
Beiersdorf To Develop Anti-Ageing Solution With Rubedo Life Sciences

By Dayeeta Das
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Beiersdorf To Develop Anti-Ageing Solution With Rubedo Life Sciences

Skincare giant Beiersdorf has entered into a multi-year partnership with Rubedo Life Sciences to develop an anti-ageing solution for the global face care market.

The partnership will see Beiersdorf leverage Rubedo’s expertise in targeting cellular senescence – the process of cell ageing, the company added.

'Breakthrough Innovation'

“Our mission is to define the future of skin care through breakthrough innovation,” commented Beiersdorf chief executive Vincent Warnery. “By partnering with Rubedo and combining cutting-edge expertise from both sides, we aim to redefine the standards in anti-age skincare.”

Marco Quarta, CEO of Rubedo Life Sciences added, “By combining Rubedo’s expertise in cellular senescence with Beiersdorf’s expertise in skin care innovation, this partnership may revolutionise the landscape of skin care products, offering consumers new solutions that treat cellular ageing for healthy and youthful-looking skin.”

Anti-Ageing Products

The partnership will explore new compounds derived from Rubedo’s research programmes that specifically target the ageing of cells.


Senescent cells [Latin senescere = to grow old, to age] accumulate with age and cause inflammation, which may contribute to age-related skin changes and pathologies.

The compounds, with senolytic and anti-inflammatory properties, will be sourced from Rubedo’s topical dermatology programme, Beiersdorf noted.

Dr Gitta Neufang, corporate senior vice-president of global R&D at Beiersdorf added, “Following our ambition to be the leading innovator in skin care, we see enormous potential in the very dynamic research field of cellular senescence to develop superior solutions for skin rejuvenation.”

Beiersdorf will also join Rubedo as an investor, having participated in its recently closed Series A financing round through its Oscar & Paul Corporate Venture Capital Fund.

Through this collaboration, the company said that it is seeking to set new standards in anti-ageing skin care and develop new solutions in the face care segment.

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