
Bonduelle Obtains B Corp Certification In France And Six Other Countries

By Dayeeta Das
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Bonduelle Obtains B Corp Certification In France And Six Other Countries

Prepared-vegetable firm Bonduelle has achieved B Corp Certification in France and six other countries, including the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and Germany.

Currently, 80% of the Bonduelle Group’s operations are B Corp certified, with the US and Italy obtaining certifications in 2023, the company noted.

Xavier Unkovic, CEO of the Bonduelle Group, explained, “More than just recognition, B Corp certification is above all a process of continuous improvement and a guarantee of confidence for consumers and partners.

“By anchoring the B Corp approach at the heart of all the company's activities, Bonduelle is promoting a resilient, modern and virtuous business model.”

B Corp Certification

B Corp certification reflects the commitment of companies focusing on transparency, accountability and the use of business as a 'force for good', Bonduelle added.


The certification evaluates companies globally across five key areas: governance, workers, communities, environment and customers.

Céline Barral, chief strategy, brands and impact officer, stated, “B Corp has created a remarkable dynamic at Bonduelle: this collective project is a rather unique opportunity to promote and advance the virtuous practices of all our employees.

“The work and energy deployed to achieve this corporate ambition is considerable, and demonstrates everyone's commitment to contributing to a better world.”

Annual Report

The company reported a 2.7% increase in like-for-like revenue, to €2.4 billion, for its full financial year to 30 June 2024.


On a reported basis, revenue declined 1.4% compared to the previous financial year.

In the fourth quarter, Bonduelle reported revenue growth of 2.6% on a like-for-like basis and 0.5% on a reported basis.

Bonduelle recently announced plans to sell its packaged salad business in France and Germany, following a decline in demand for its salad SKUs in both countries due to increased prices and competition from private labels.

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