More than two-thirds (70%) of the total volume of spirits on the EU market is now available in bottles featuring energy information on-pack, according to the latest progress report released by spiritsEUROPE.
The share of products with QR codes offering access to e-labels is also growing and is projected to reach similar levels by the end of 2025.
In Spain, the share of spirit drinks with QR codes increased from 18% to 31% within eight months in 2023.
Energy Information
spiritsEUROPE, the representative body for the spirits industry at a European level, has completed five years since the implementation of energy information on labels.
Spirits producers also provide ingredient lists via bespoke, product-specific e-labels.
Sarah Melina Siebel, director for internal market and sustainability at spiritsEUROPE, commented, “Large international company signatories were among the first movers in terms of MoU roll-out and today – with 83% – report the highest share of energy on-pack compliance.
“At the same time, 2023 saw a fast-growing number of small and medium-sized producers starting to implement the MoU. This shows that our approach is working across the entire sector.”
Product Labelling
The labelling pledge is part of a multi-annual voluntary agreement, known as the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Consumer Information, facilitated by the European Commission in 2019.
The MoU offers clear guidance to producers on how to make nutrition information and ingredient listings available to consumers for spirit drinks, which are not mandatory under current EU regulation, spiritsEUROPE noted.
Ulrich Adam, director general of spiritsEUROPE stated, “Now in its fifth year of implementation, the MoU is a tried and tested approach that has made a real difference in terms of consumer information on the ground and has successfully mobilised a growing number of producers large and small.”
Siebel added, “Looking ahead, we remain strongly committed to growing the share of bottles with both energy information on-pack and digital labels even further this year.
“Ultimately, we believe this approach should be fully harmonised and integrated into a future European Commission proposal for a revised EU Regulation on Food Information to Consumers (FIC).”