Spanish consumers spend a total of €13,2 million on beer a year, approximately 3.4 per cent of the world's total sales of the beverage.
According to, a study by Constanza Business and Protocol School found that on average, Spanish consumers spend €283.67 a year on beer per capita. Counting only those of legal drinking age, this figure rises up to €346.70.
Juan Aitor Lago, Director of the Research Department at Constanza Business and Protocol School, said, "Spain is one of the most important markets for beer worldwide. The Spanish are the world's fifth biggest beer consumers with an average yearly consumption of 76 litres per capita."
He points out that despite recession and economic hardship, consumption has sustained, and the trend is likely to stay stable.
Per capita, Ireland has the biggest average yearly expenditure on beer (€563.88), followed by Norway (€508.90), Australia (€321.90), the UK (€314.22) and Germany (€312.75).
Volume-wise, the top consumers are Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Ireland and Spain.
© 2016 European Supermarket Magazine – your source for the latest retail news. Article by Gabriela Guédez. To subscribe to ESM: The European Supermarket Magazine, click here.