
Jumbo Introduces Own-Brand Butter Featuring '1-Star Beter Leven' Quality Mark

By Dayeeta Das
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Jumbo Introduces Own-Brand Butter Featuring '1-Star Beter Leven' Quality Mark

Dutch retailer Jumbo has introduced own-brand butter SKUs featuring the '1-star Beter Leven' quality mark.

The new products featuring the quality mark include the Jumbo salted and unsalted cream butter SKUs in 250g and 125g packs.

The latest launch marks the extension of the '1-star Beter Leven' dairy range that Jumbo has been offering since 2019, the company added.

The quality mark ensures that the products are more sustainable and animal-friendly.

Dairy farmers supplying '1-star Beter Leven' dairy receive an extra supplement for animal welfare and sustainability efforts, the company noted.


Menno Wigtman, purchasing manager at Jumbo Supermarkets, stated, “We have been working with our 1-star Beter Leven dairy farmers for some time. And also look for expansion opportunities within that. In recent years, we have gradually added products within the dairy shelf because we notice enthusiasm among customers about dairy products with the 1-star Beter Leven quality mark.

“We believe in the integral attention the hallmark in dairy pays to people, animals and nature. By doing so, we not only appeal to even more customers, but also contribute to social issues such as improving the earnings model of dairy farmers and increasing animal welfare.”

Sustainable Dairy Products

The retailer already offers 1-star Beter Leven dairy SKUs, such as skimmed, semi-skimmed and full-fat milk, buttermilk, and semi-skimmed, full-fat fat and skimmed yoghurt in various packaging formats.

In 2019, the quality mark was the first to focus on both nature, biodiversity and the environment, as well as fundamental requirements of better living conditions for all animals on and around the farmyard, Jumbo added.


Ellen Bien, director of the Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals, added, “In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on the connection between issues of animal welfare, climate and nature on the farmyard. With the 1-star Beter Leven mark, we are making an integral contribution to these issues for the dairy sector.

“We are therefore pleased that Jumbo continues to take steps towards animal welfare and to expand its product range. At the same time, it is also important that other parties step in, so that more dairy farmers can start producing dairy in a more sustainable, animal-friendly way. This is how we really make a difference together, for people, animals and nature.”

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