
Spain's Alcampo Acts Quickly To Mitigate Impact Of Cyber Attack

By Steve Wynne-Jones
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Spain's Alcampo Acts Quickly To Mitigate Impact Of Cyber Attack

Spanish retailer Alcampo has reportedly suffered a cyber attack, however the group told local media that it acted quickly to mitigate its effects.

The retailer experienced the cyber attack between Sunday 25 August and Monday 26 August, according to media reports, and upon discovery of the incident, engaged data protection experts to implement the necessary technical, legal, and organisational measures.

Over the past two days, Alcampo has also put in place a contingency system to mitigate the effects, which has enabled the retailer to continue its operations with relative normality, minimising the impact on store operations and supply chain processes.

Cyber Attacks In Retail

Cyber attacks have become a relatively common occurrence in the retail sector, and businesses are strongly advised to take the necessary precautions to prepare for such incidents.

In the first quarter of 2023, wholesale giant Metro experienced a cyber attack that significantly impacted its financial performance, with sales taking a hit in the 'low three-digit million euro range' and EBITDA affected in the 'mid to high two-digit million euro range'.


Similarly, in 2022, Portuguese retailer Continente faced a cyber attack that disrupted its Continente Online and Continente Card App services. The attack took down the Continente website and affected some in-store services, with its main online shopping platform displaying an 'under maintenance' message.

In another instance, Coop Sweden reported a cyber attack in 2021 that disabled checkout systems across its store network, forcing many outlets to close temporarily. The company managed to reopen all stores following 'intensive work' over several days to update on-site cash register systems.

"We have seen heroic efforts all over the country that have made it possible to open our stores at record speed," commented Magnus Johansson, chief executive of Coop Sweden, at the time.

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