
Venezuelan State Seizes Dia a Dia

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Venezuelan State Seizes Dia a Dia

Nicolas Maduro, the president of Venezuela, has said Dia a Dia is "waging war against the country," and has ordered a takeover of the supermarket chain by the nation's food agency.

Venezuela is undergoing a tough period economically, with dearths of many basic foods. Maduro accused, on live television, Dia a Dia keeping a FMCG cache to itself, while the populace is faced with chronic hardship.

Soldiers have been sent to the grocer's outlets to "supervise" sales, it was stated on the BBC.

These events are taking place against a backdrop of economic trouble brought on by a fall in oil prices. On top of this, inflation and crime-rates in the country remain high.

© 2015 European Supermarket Magazine – your source for the latest retail news. Article written by Peter Donnelly.

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