
Haribo To Invest €300m In New Confectionery Factory In Germany

By Dayeeta Das
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Haribo To Invest €300m In New Confectionery Factory In Germany

Haribo plans to invest €300 million in a new, state-of-the-art, and sustainable confectionery factory in Neuss, Germany.

For the project, Haribo plans to acquire a 14-hectare site on the industrial estate in Neuss-Holzheim, which is roughly the size of twenty football pitches.

Construction is expected to commence in 2025, with production starting as early as 2028, the company added.

'The Next Logical Step'

Arndt Rüsges, chief operations officer for DACH at Haribo, commented, "MAOAM has its roots in Neuss. This is where our production expertise lies. The expertise and experience of our employees is our greatest asset.

"With the new plant, we are now taking the next logical step into the future and consciously investing in Germany as a business location, our important home market."


Currently, Haribo operates a production plant in Jülicher Landstraße in Neuss.

The facility cannot be expanded as it lacks the space required to remodel or expand it in a sustainable and future-oriented manner, the company added.

Following a transitional period of parallel production, the new facility is expected to replace the current one by 2030.

The transitional phase will enable employees to gradually become familiar with the new plant and its production processes.


It will create around 100 new direct jobs as well as numerous indirect jobs with added value for service providers and suppliers from the region.

The new facility will manufacture Haribo fruit gums in addition to MAOAM.

Sustainable Production

The new production facility is part of Haribo's international production and growth strategy and aims to restructure the production process to make it sustainable and fit for the future.

The company will implement various eco-friendly initiatives, such as the use of renewable energy, measures to reduce emissions and CO2 footprint, and shorter transport routes.

Haribo seeks to significantly reduce the use of energy, water, raw materials and packaging in the facility and plans to build the plant as 'Net-Zero-Ready', which will enable a switch to hydrogen.

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