
Are You Playing Refrigeration Roulette?

By Editorial
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  • We all rely on product performance data to make informed decisions. But how do you know that data is accurate? What if important aspects are incorrect, leading to deviations between claimed and expected performance? Are you risking your reputation on numbers that don’t add up?

    A new white paper highlights the implications of inaccurate product performance data within the refrigeration industry. Drawing on new research from Eurovent Certification, revealing a potential 31% gap between a product’s claimed and expected performance, 'Broken trust: Energy efficiency and the refrigeration industry' focuses on the importance of reliable product information and the impact of inaccuracies on all industry players.

    Underperformance Explored

    Shining a spotlight on the European refrigeration sector, the white paper relies on data analysis to explore the accuracy of expected performance data, investigate the causes of discrepancies, and highlights the wider issues of poor performance.

    The white paper succinctly explains:

    • How CO2 systems are primed for underperformance
    • The intricacies of declared data vs. expected performance
    • The impact on energy efficiency, carbon footprint, and sustainability
    • A summary of the latest heat exchanger research on CO2 Gas Coolers, including key results.

    Building Trust

    It concludes with solutions and recommendations, explaining how the industry can safeguard against inaccurate information, reduce the risk of underperformance, and build trust in product data.


    Why Should You Read It?

    Products specified based on incorrect data will not perform as advertised. It’s a serious issue, affecting everyone from specifiers to end users, as underperforming products can:

    • Use more energy and incur higher running costs
    • Create a larger carbon footprint
    • Negatively impact the performance and energy consumption of other parts of the system
    • Be non-compliant with regulations
    • Fail to meet end-user requirements
    • Be more prone to faults and breakdowns
    • Result in complaints, penalties, and litigation
    • Lead to reputational damage.

    The information in Broken trust: Energy efficiency and the refrigeration industry, is a must-read for anyone wanting to avoid taking a gamble on refrigeration equipment.

    Download the white paper, 'Broken trust,' now.

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