Swiss retailer Migros has enabled voluntary climate contributions in stores via its self-scan system, Subito.
Shoppers will now have the option to make a voluntary contribution on their purchases, which is calculated based on the CO2 emissions caused by the production, packaging and transportation of products.
The more climate-friendly the purchase, the lower the climate contribution, the retailer added.
The voluntary contributions will be channelised into the M climate fund, for climate protection projects along the Migros supply chain.
Currently, the facility is available at the self-checkout counters and self-scanning sections in eight Migros outlets.
These include stores in Grabenstrasse, Zug; Oberkirch; Degersheim; Winterthur, Obertor; Echallens; Lutry La Conversion, Lausanne; Jona; Schaffhauserplatz, Zurich.
In 2022, the retailer launched the climate contribution feature on Migros Online.
It plans to extend the option to all Migros supermarkets throughout Switzerland, as well as to the served checkouts next year.
Climate Contribution
The formula for calculating the climate contribution of products is based on the weight data and CO2 emission values.
At the checkout, the climate contribution for each product is added up and shown as a total value.
The retailer has teamed up with a life-cycle assessment company, intep, to compile a detailed assessment of the entire supply chain for each product group.
The data has been verified by myclimate, a Swiss nonprofit climate protection organisation that integrates climate protection with economic mechanisms.
Migros's M-Check sustainability scale allows customers to identify climate-friendly products at first glance and tailor their purchases accordingly.
The retailer describes climate contribution as the 'next step' and 'a new opportunity' for customers to actively contribute to reducing CO2 emissions.